
Thursday 28 April 2011

I have set out the slides that I will be discussing. As I am opening the presentation it is more about setting up the presentation then images and such. I will firstly be discussing the overview of the company and what we intend to create, and I will be doing this through the VMOS strategy. 
On the powerpoint I intend to only show the overview so far and then i will discuss it much further. The powerpoint will just be a reference point at this moment, so people can read it and it makes sense. I put a basic script for me together the other day and this is what I will be saying: 

Our vision for this company would be to create a Hi end print company that covers design for print and everything that entails. We want to create a company that clients can rely on and trust to produce the highest quality design work. Our mission for the company is to be the top design for print agency in Leeds promoting the importance of client relationships and well thought out and produced work. Our objectives would be to create to that reputation over a five-year period. Our strategy would be to compete on the design for print market, offering quality service, a 10% discount to prospective clients working through a contract agreed basis. We will be concentrating on the commercial market, providing companies with a wide range of sophisticated design work.

The next slide I will be discussing is the premises slide, this is because I did the research into it and found the best place that we all agreed on. Ailsa and I thought it would be best for me to give an overview and then Ailsa would talk about the figures, that way it links to her work with the finance part of the company. Again I have kept my slide minimal because its really all about the images and what the represent, as I will be talking about it further in the presentation:

Our company premises would be in Wellington Place which is situated to the south of the centre of Leeds, making it a 10 minute commute from Leeds train station and within easy access to the inner City ring road. We chose this location because when looking  at other successful companies they were easily accessed by transport links and based to the southern side of Leeds. As for the premises they provide large open plan offices that can easily be altered to fit our studio needs as well as having room for meeting and greeting clients.