PPD Presentation, work.

Monday 12 April 2010

What i want to talk about continued, answers to the questions:

1. To manage my time more effectively.
Working at college actually helps me more than working at home
learnt how to use illustrator more effectively
learnt how to use indesign
learnt how to use final cut
can now product professional looking photographs using digital slr.
learnt the power of delegation
learnt from my mistakes
learnt how to use screen printing
learnt more about what i prefer to work in
learnt how to be independent

2. To create work to a more professional standard.
find and perfect my own style
keep my work specific and interesting
to do my own work as well as college work.

3. Illustration + type
work with screen printing
build up a wider portfolio
develop my own style
more live briefs

4. MRSA, commuincation is a virus, batman illustrations - cd cover, what is a line. (images)

5. Batman, group work, vogue.

6. To to do too much. Batman made a lot of mistakes in that project.
should go with gut feeling, too much research, dedicating time.

7. To develop own style. To be comfortable with my own work ethic. to keep perfecting strengths and leave my weaknesses behind. Keeping taking hard route.

8. Determined to make the most out of my years at uni. Success. Want to be a success. being surrounded by like minded people helps me push myself to try different things.


9. Foundation learn't i wanted to be a graphic designer. Loved working in different styles and trying different things. Before this year didn't fully understand digital slr. Didn't know illustrator/indesign etc. Materials - printing on etc. Can now comfortably tackle things.

10. Develop my own style. find materials and things i am comfortable using. Become skilled in areas i love. Develop large portfolio through college work, my own work and live briefs.


11. By trying different things - final cut, printing etc. Always not taking the easy option. If i make a mistake, try to learn from it and either not do it again or try different way.

12. Realised i'm not going to be good at everything. Makes me relaise where my strengths lie and where to push myself in the future. Makes me know what to avoid.

13. By realising what i don't enjoy i can spend time in the future on things i enjoy and therefore push my skills in it. By making mistake i can learn where my strengths lie.

14. Given me a lot to strive for. A lot to look forward to in the future. Its made me strive to learn new things, experimenting and trying new methods.

PPD Presentation, work.

My strengths and weaknesses.

Summary of strengths:

*My research - thorough and specific, don't tend to go off on a tangent.
*Time management - organization
*Hitting deadlines.
*Always pushing myself to try something new.
*Learning from mistakes.
*Achieving the most i can.
*Developing skills in a variety of different areas.

Summary of weaknesses:

*Stress - don't have a balance of work and social life
*Need to do more backup work for smaller projects eg. indesign etc
*Thinking i can do too much and therefore rushing the final pieces
*Throwing everything at a project and not come out with the best final product
*Need to have more confidence with my abilities

PPD Presentation, work.

PPD Presentation. Some work i have put together to get me started on my presentation.

What its about:
- reflective summary of self - communicates a summary of you experiences.
- reflect on experiences from the last nine months - that includes moving away etc
- reflect on how experiences that have happened tis year and how they have affected your ambitions and aims

focus mostly on learning. use examples of your own work, creative skills and interests in the contemporary field of design as part of your presentation.

What to talk about:

What -
1 What have i learned?
2 what do i want to learn?
3 what do i want to do more of?
4 what have i done?
5 what have i liked? (briefs, long short etc)
6 what haven't i liked?
7 what are my strengths/weaknesses?
8 what mistakes have i made?
9 what did i want from this year?
10 what's driven me?

Where -
11 Where have i come from?
12 Where do i want to go?

How -
13 How have i pushed myself?
14 how have the mistakes i've made helped me?
15 how have i developed my skills?
16 how has this year affected my ambitions?