Marketing and Promotion - Condensed

Sunday 1 May 2011

Budget: £5,000
(Communication and Mix Diagram)

4 P's
Product: Graphic Design services already mentioned

Pricing: 10% Discount to prospective clients - Competitive lower prices

Place: Advertisements - Yellow pages, local newspapers

Promotion: Communication Mix Diagram -
Advertising- Local to bring in local clients. Broadsheets target audience, broadsheet readers and businessmen. Design magazines - Publish ourselves against competitors. Publish our work in Idn, Grafik, getting reputation.

Costing': Yellow Pages £351 - Direct client contact
                 Idn - Double Page Spread £1107 - Reputation, picking us over competitors

Google: Putting in key words to help promote ourselves

Competition briefs to create award opportunities - makes us more credible

Enticing Customers: Memorable business cards, Cutomise direct mail made appropriate to the company we're contacting.

Using SWOT we've been able to analyse other companies and capitalise on their weaknesses to create a new and innovative company - VOICE.

I have put together just a basic outline for the power point, i still think there is too much information but i think that being able to break it up this much means we can break it up more tomorrow when we meet up to have our run through.