Saturday 6 November 2010


Today i looked at a company called 'Swiss Legacy', they are a design company that really appeals to me they focus on typography and other such practices, working over a variety of medias and this style of working, i feel works best for me. Looking into the European Economic climate was interesting. Since the recession Europe especially was hit pretty hard. One of he main reasons for the currency climate at the moment is because virtually all countries involved have broken their self imposed rules. Every country is in debt, resulting to huge taxes and mass job loses across everywhere. This leads to small creative busniesses being squezzed down. Small businesses are stopped resulting in clients being lost for creative design companies. With regards to the Political standing within Europe, its hard to gage an overall view as there are a lot of political beaders within it. The European Parliment oversees all actions within the EU but that doesnt have any major affect on Graphics companies unless its a large contract and they are dong something possibly contoversial, bhut otherwise its fairly free. The social side of Europe again is very hard to judge. The countries can be divided or joined, the current economic crisis has put a strain on political relationships, which can prove problematic, and as this filters down through the creative industry it can ruin client designer relationships leading to clients walking away or designers having to stop.
The EU is the global leader in many technologies the problem now is that it is facing increasing challenges from traditional competitors and emerging economics alike. The research and development helps contribute to the economic growth which is exactly what the EU needs to re-kindle the financial climate. New technology creates jobs and adresses scoial changes such as poverty, health problems and environmental cha nges. All of these contributing to the creative industry. everything needs and identity, branding and publication.