Position Statment

Wednesday 29 December 2010

Enterprise and Innovation
1. Over the last few years I have amassed knowledge in a variety of different areas within Graphic design, and I now feel I am a very diverse designer. I want to keep focused on this  because I feel it will give me more to offer clients, and be a more useful designer. 

2. While looking into companies I am interested in, I have found that being part of a team really appeals to me. Having people that are like minded surrounding me, each person helping my creativity and vice versa. I feel this will push me as a designer as well as push the company I would be working within to be more creative and new. 

3. When I finally graduate I want to be focusing my efforts in getting a design job within a print company such as TEAM, or working in a team based design studio such as Creative Spark, based in Manchester. They both appeal to me on separate levels but cover the basis that I like working within, branding and design for print. 

4. I have also found from investigating the companies I am interested in that customer care, and client relationships are very important to me as a designer. I want my relationships with my clients to be personal so that they know exactly what I do and they know I will go out of my way to understand what they want from me.

5. Its important for me to create my own personal portfolio that really represents me as a designer as well as a person. When people view it I want them to know what they are getting and why they need me, essentially i want to leave them wanting more.

6. Another fundamental part to me being a successful graphic designer is that I want to target Networking events, because I feel this is where I will shine as a designer. I love talking about design and at these events I will meet people who are like me and would possibly want to work with me. So a key part to this is creating the right business card for me and for them, this is something i am going to focus a lot on when we reach this part after Christmas.

7. With regards to the competition, I need to make my work really stand out and to do this I need to become and expert in the areas I am interested in such as software, print and type. This is in order for me to appeal to a wide market, and be available for anything. 

8. My ambition one day is to own my own small company, with my own fully functioning team of expert designers and my own varying client base that covers the areas I and my fellow designers would be interested in designing for. 

9. As a designer I don’t want to be penned down to certain places for working I want to have worked in a variety of print companies, workshops and companies that work globally. One place i would love to work is in New York with a company such as Pentagram. 

10. Another important part for my life as a Graphic designer when i start out is to try and work with companies that already have a lot of experience as designers or printers because I feel I will learn so much more from a company that has been functioning for a long time compared to a fresh company. I want to gain as much experience as possible before I settle into my chosen area and what I want to do.


jane denton said...

all good comments and thoughts.Reflect on them and see if you have moved forward with any of them-business cards,working in groups etc.That way you can see how much you have improved,learned and what is still outstanding